Dolk Lundgren, known as simply "Dolk" (Norwegian for "dagger" or "knife"), gained international notoriety for his witty and subversive street art and skilful contextualisation.
His work is often compared to that of Bristol-based street art legend Banksy, whom Dolk names as one of his primary influences. Dolk's work frequently features highly recognizable cultural images that are skilfully married with critical and humorous undertones, exploring subtle contradictions in themes such as religion, monarchy, and political control.
Born in Bergen, Norway in 1979, Dolk received training as a mechanic in his home city, but later studied graphic design in Melbourne, Australia. The artist's key moment arrived when he discovered stencil art in 2003, having been exposed to the craft through the ubiquitous works of Banksy.
Dolk enjoyed a somewhat ironic anonymity early in his career, as speculation began to form that Dolk was actually one of Banksy's aliases. His work was first introduced to a more widespread audience by way of influential street art outposts such as the Wooster Collective and POW (Pictures on Walls).
In 2006, Dolk began to explore the more "legal" side of the art world by exhibiting his work in art shows and galleries across the globe. In 2008, Dolk teamed up with fellow Norwegian street artist Pobel on an ambitious project entitled "Ghetto Spedalsk", in which the two artists painted large murals on the sides of abandoned buildings in Lofoten, a collection of islands to the north of Norway.
One of Dolk's most celebrated projects completed to date includes his mural work performed for the opening of Haldon Prison in 2010. The larger-than-life stencilled images proudly adorn the walls of the prison's exercise yard.
Dolk's work has struck a unique balance by receiving widespread critical acclaim along with underground street credibility. His thought-provoking images have been shared in numerous print editions published via Hand Made Posters.
View our collection of Dolk Prints available at Verso Contemporary & Urban Art.
Photo Credits: Øystein Thorvaldsen, Rampestrek (Flickr) nalice_malice (Flickr) Becki (Flickr)